Louise Wasylkiw

Crabtree 222


Louise Wasylkiw (Ph.D.) is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology. Her teaching duties include: personality psychology, design and analysis, and tests and measurement. Her research interests broadly fall under the umbrella of the self and she has three active research streams.

Before joining the faculty at Ï㽶ÊÓƵ in 2002, Louise Wasylkiw taught at Queen's University (2001-2002) where she was a graduate student in the Department of Psychology. Prior to graduate studies in psychology, Louise Wasylkiw was employed as a Registered Nurse in neonatal intensive care.

Dr. Wasylkiw will be retiring as of June 30, 2024.


Vaughan-Johnston, T. I., MacGregor, K. E., Fabrigar, L. R., Evraire, L. E., & Wasylkiw, L. (2021). Extraversion as a moderator of the efficacy of self-esteem maintenance strategies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(1), 131–145.

Wasylkiw, L., Hanson, S., Lynch, L. M., Vaillancourt, E., & Wilson, C. (2020). Predicting
undergraduate student outcomes: Competing or complementary roles of self-esteem, self-compassion, self-efficacy, and mindsets? Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 50 (2)

Vaillancourt, E. S., & Wasylkiw, L. (2019). The intermediary role of burnout in the relationship
between self-compassion and job satisfaction among nurses. Canadian Journal of
Nursing Research
. 52(4), 246-254.

Wasylkiw, L. & Clairo, J. (2018) Help seeking in men: When masculinity and self-compassion
collide. Journal of Men and Masculinity, 19(2), 234–242.

Wasylkiw, L. (2017). Reading quizzes for upper year seminars. Association of Atlantic
University: Conference Proceedings.
Wasylkiw, L., & Tomes, J. L. (Eds). (2016). Mount A Teaches. Friesen Press, Victoria, BC.

Wasylkiw, L. (2015). Students’ perspectives on pathways to university readiness and adjustment.
Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4, doi: 10.11114/jets.v4i3.xx

Wasylkiw, L. Holton, J., Azar, R. & Cook, W. (2015). The impact of mindfulness on leadership
in a health care setting: A pilot study. Journal of Health Organization and Management,
29(7), 893-911. doi.org/10.1108/JHOM-06-2014-0099

Wasylkiw, L., & Butler, N. A. (2014). Body talk among undergraduate women: Why
conversations about exercise and weight loss differentially predict body appreciation.
Journal of Health Psychology. 19, 1013-1024. DOI: 10.1177/1359105313483155

Claxton-Oldfield, S. Claxton-Oldfield, J., Paulovic, S., & Wasylkiw, L. (2013). A Study of the motivations of British hospice volunteers, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 30, 579-586.

Wasylkiw, L., & Williamson, M. E. (2013). Actual and perceived similarity in body image concerns of young women and their friends. Sex Roles, 68, 239-251.

Wasylkiw, L.,  MacKinnon, A., & MacLellan, A. (2012). Exploring the link between self-compassion and body image in university women, Body Image, 9, 236-245.

Wasylkiw, L., & Currie, M. (2012). The Animal House era: How university-themed comedy films affect students’ attitudes. Social Psychology of Education, 15, 25-40.

Tomes, J. L., Wasylkiw, L., & Mockler, B. A. (2011). Studying for success: Diaries of students’ study behaviours. Educational Research and Review, 17, 1-12.

Claxton-Oldfield, S., Wasylkiw, L., Mark, M., & Claxton-Oldfield, J. (2011). The Inventory of Motivations for Hospice Palliative Care Volunteerism: A tool for recruitment and retention. American     Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 28, 35-43.

Wasylkiw, L., Currie, M. A., Meuse, R., & Pardoe, R. (2010). Perceptions of male ideals: The power of presentation. International Journal of Men’s Health, 9, 144-153.

Wasylkiw, L., Fabrigar, L. R., Rainboth, S., Reid, A. & Steen, C. (2010). Neuroticism and the architecture of the self: Exploring Neuroticism as a Moderator of the Impact of Ideal Self-Discrepancies on Emotion. Journal of Personality, 78, 471-492.


2002  Ph.D. in Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario

1998  M.A. in Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario

1997  B.A. in Psychology, Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario

1989  Nursing Perinatal Certificate, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario

1980  Nursing Diploma, St. Lawrence College, Cornwall, Ontario     


Psyc 3021 Psychological Measurement and Individual Differences

Calendar description: This course examines the history and principles of psychological testing. It is concerned with the logic of test construction and the problems associated with attempts to quantify and assess human abilities and characteristics. Lectures will be supplemented by labs in which students will have an opportunity to practice their skills in addressing issues related to measurement and testing.

Psyc 3001 Advanced design and analysis

Calendar description: This lecture and laboratory course provides the student with advanced analytic and design tools necessary to interpret the research of others and to conduct original research. Lectures will be supplemented by labs in which students will have an opportunity to practice their skills in answering questions of practical and theoretical interest.

Psyc 4701 Advanced Topics in Personality

Calendar description: This course presents an in-depth examination of theory and research pertinent to a topic of current interest in the field of Personality. For the 2014/2015 academic year, this course will focus on the Social Self.

Psyc 2701 Personality

Caledar description: This course will provide an introduction to personality as an enduring, organized pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving. The course will examine key theorists and broader perspectives on personality, as well as the measurement of personality from those perspectives. Examples of perspectives may include dispositional, biological, psychoanalytic, learning, and phenomenological.

Psyc 3301 Interpersonal Relations

Calendar description: A lecture and laboratory course examining aspects of interpersonal attraction and interpersonal relationships. Topics covered will include attachment and affiliation, interpersonal attraction, developing and maintaining close relationships, friendship and love, relationship problems, as well as relationship termination.


I am a social/personality psychologist interested in the self. A large literature defines the self as the beliefs and feelings a person holds that make them unique. I think about the self as a system, in other words, the self refers to independent but interrelated parts that comprise a unified whole. It includes structure (i.e., how parts relate to each other) as well as processes (i.e., how it works).

Broadly, I study aspects of the self including how people view and feel about themselves (e.g., self-esteem; self-compassion), related processes (e.g., self-regulation; social comparisons), and its implications (e.g., academic outcomes, aspects of mental health).