Odette Gould

Crabtree 209
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Self-Medication Assessment Tool (SMAT)

The Self-Medication Assessment Tool (SMAT) developed by Dr. Janice Irvine-Meek (Horizon Health Network) and Dr. Odette Gould (Ï㽶ÊÓƵ University) can be found at /smat/


Gautreau, S., Gould, O.N., W.W. Allanach, A.E. Clark, S.J. Massoeures, M. E. Forsythe (2019). TKA communication checklist increases patient satisfaction. The Journal of Arthroplasty, 34 (3), 456-461.

Gautreau, S., Gould, O.N., Aquino-Russell, C., & Forsythe, ME. (2018). Developing a surgeon-patient communication checklist for total knee arthroplasty. Musculoskeletal Care, 1-6. Doi.org/10/1002/msc.1372

Gallagher, A., Gould, O. Leblanc, M., Manuel, L., & Brideau-Laughlin, D. (in press). The Knowledge and Attitudes of Hospital Pharmacy Staff in Canada Regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Theriault, D. & Gould, O.N. (2018). Nursing homes without walls for aging in place. Canadian Journal on Aging, 38 (4).

Boudreau, C. R., Lloyd, V.K., & Gould, O.N. (2017). Motivations and experiences of Canadians seeking treatment for Lyme Disease outside of the conventional Canadian health-care system. Journal of Patient Experience, 5, 120-126

Trueman, L. & Gould, O.N. (2016). The role of religion when crisis looms: A church community at a crossroads, Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 3 (1), 18 – 32

Gautreau, S., Aquino-Russell, C., Gould, O.N., & Forsythe, M. E. (2016 – digital pre-print).  In their own words: A descriptive phenomenological study of patients’ experiences recovering from total knee replacement. Musculoskeletal Care.

Gould, O.N., Webster, H., Daniels, E., & Dupuis-Blanchard, S. (2016). Transportation for seniors in a rural community: Can the nursing home play a role? Journal of New Brunswick Studies, 7 (1), 70-86. (Special issue on Rural and Small Towns, edited by F. Antonelli & M. Fox)

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gould, O., & French, I. (2016). L’importance de planifier en vue du vieillissement de la population: Notre ville est-elle amie des aînés?/The Importance of Planning for an Aging Population: Is our City Age-Friendly? Journal of New Brunswick Studies, 7, 87 – 104 (special issue on Rural and Small Towns, F. Antonelli & M. Fox, eds)

Gautreau, S., Gould, O.N., & Forsythe, M. (2016). Aging and orthopaedics: How a lifespan developmental model can inform practice and research. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 59 (4): 281-286. doi: 10.1503/cjs.008215.

Gould, O.N., & Doucette, C. (2016). Self-management of adherence to prescribed stimulants in college students with ADD/ADHD.  Journal of attention disorders (June 17, 2015).

Mitchell, M., Gould, O., LeBlanc, M., & Manuel, L. (2016). The opinions of hospital pharmacists in Canada regarding marihuana for medical purposes. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 69 (2): 122-130.

Gould, O.N., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Villalon, L., Simard, M., Ethier, S.  (2015) Hoping for the best or planning for the future: Decision-making and future care needs. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Gould, O.N., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., & MacLennnan, A. (2015). Canadian nursing students and the care of older patients: How is geriatric nursing perceived? Journal of Applied Gerontology. 34, 6, 797-814.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gould, O.N., Gibbons, C., Simard, M., Éthier, S., & Villalon, L. (2015). Strategies for Aging in Place: The Experience of Language-Minority Seniors With Loss of Independence. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 2, 1-9.

Simard, M., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Villalon, L., Gould, O., Éthier, S., & Gibbons, C. (2015). L'influence du contexte sociolinguistique minoritaire sur le maintien à domicile des aînés en milieu rural dévitalisé: le cas d’Acadieville au Nouveau-Brunswick. Canadian Journal on Aging, 34, 194 – 206.

Gould, O.N., & MacNeil Gautreau, S. (2014) Empathy and Conversation enjoyment in younger and older adults. Experimental Aging Research, 40, 60-80.

Gould, O.N., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., & MacLennnan, A. (2014). Canadian nursing students and the care of older patients: How is geriatric nursing perceived? Journal of Applied Gerontology.    Published online before print September 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0733464813500585

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M., Villalon, L., & Gould, O. (2013). La perception des aînés francophones en situation minoritaire face aux défis et aux enjeux liés au maintien à domicile en milieu urbains néo-brunswickois. Revue Canadienne de santé publique/ Canadian Journal of Public Health, 104, S71-S74.

Gould, O., Buckley, P., & Doucette, D. (2013). What patients want: Preferences regarding hospital pharmacy services. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 66, 177-183.

Gould, O.N., MacLennan, A. & Dupuis-Blanchard, S. (2012). Career preferences of nursing students. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 31, 471-482. doi:10.1017/S0714980812000359.

Martin-Chang, S. & Gould, O.N. (2012). Reading to children and listening to children read: Mother-child interactions as a function of principal reader. Early Education and Development, 23, 855-876.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M., Gould, O., & Villalon, L. (2011). Les défis et les enjeux liés au maintien à domicile des aînés : une étude de cas en milieu urbain néo-brunswickois. Rapport de recherche présenté à l’Association des aînées et aînés acadienne et francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick en collaboration avec le Secrétariat des aînés du gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick. (Non peer-reviewed report).

Martin-Chang, S. L., Gould, O.N., & Meuse, R. E. (2011). The impact of schooling on academic achievement: Evidence from homeschooled and traditionally schooled students. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 43195-202.

Irvine-Meek, J. & Gould, O.N. (2011) Psychometric evaluation of a self-medication assessment tool in an elderly population. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 64, 16-24

Johnson, R., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2010). Obtaining the best Possible Medication History: Comparison of Pharmacy Technician versus Pharmacist-Obtained Medication Histories in the Emergency Department. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 63, 359-365.

Irvine-Meek, J., Gould, O.N., Todd, L. & Wheaton, H. (2010). Acceptability and Face Validity of a Geriatric Self-Medication Assessment Tool. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 63, 225–232.

Gould, O.N., West, S., & Mancuso, M. (2009). The perceived functions of alternative primary care options among adults in Eastern Canada. Hospital Topics, 84 (4) 1-7.

Wasylkiw, L., Gould, O.N., & Johnstone, D. (2009). Exploring women=s attitudes and intentions to seek care from nurse practitioners across different age groups. Canadian Journal on Gerontology, 28, 177-183.

Howard, J.A., Sommers, R., Gould, O.N. & Mancuso, M., (2009). Effectiveness of an HbA1c tracking tool on primary care management of diabetes mellitus: glycaemic control, clinical practice and usability. Informatics in Primary Care, 17, 41-46.

Gould, O.N., Todd, L., & Irvine-Meek, J. (2009) Adherence devices in a community sample: How are pillboxes used? Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 142, 28 - 35.

Martin-Chang, S.L., & Gould, O.N. (2008). Revisiting print exposure: Exploring differential links to vocabulary, comprehension and reading rate. Journal of Research on Reading, 31, 273-284.

MacAuley, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O.N. (2008). Provision of clinical pharmacy services in the home care setting to patients recently discharged from hospital: A pilot project. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 61, 103-113.

Gould, O.N., Johnstone, D. & Wasylkiw, L. (2007). Nurse practitioners: Beginnings, benefits and barriers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19, 165-171.

Webster, J. D. & Gould, O.N. (2007). Reminiscence and vivid personal memories: Their interrelationship and developmental patterning across adulthood. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 64, 149-170.

Gould, O.N., Wasylkiw, L. & E. E. Rogers, & M. MacPherson (2006). Pharmacist or physician: Age differences in satisfaction with medical advice. Canadian Journal on Aging, 25, 207-218.

Gould, O.N. (2004). Aging, cognition and medication adherence. In C. Spielberger, (Ed. in chief), Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

Gould, O. N. (2004). Telling stories and getting acquainted: How age matters. In M. W. Pratt & B. H. Fiese (Eds.), Family stories and the life course: Across time and generations, (pp. 327-352). Erlbaum.

Gould, O.N., Wasylkiw, L., & Rogers, E.E. (2003) Do you see what I see? How adult health care consumers perceive professionals. Rehab and Community Care Medicine, Winter, pp. 20-21. (non-peer reviewed publication)

Gould, O.N., Saum, C., & Belter, J. (2002). Recall and subjective reactions to speaking styles: Does age matter? Experimental Aging Research, 28, 199-213.

Gould, O.N., Osborn, C., Krein, H. & Mortenson, M. (2002). Collaborative recall in married and unaquainted dyads. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 26, 36-44.

McDonald-Miszczak, L., Maki, S. A., & Gould, O. N. (2000). Self-reported medication adherence and health status in late adulthood: The role of beliefs. Experimental Aging Research, 26, 189-207.

Smyth, J., Gould, O., & Slobin, K. (2000). The role of narrative in medicine: A multi-theoretical perspective. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 16, 186-193.

Gould, O. N., McDonald-Miszczak, L., & Gregory, J. (1999). Prediction accuracy and medication instructions: Will you remember tomorrow? Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 6, 141-154.

Gould, O. N., & Shaleen, L. (1999). Accommodative speech by older women. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18, 395-418.

McDonald-Miszczak, L., & Gould, O. N. & Tychyinski, D. (1999). Metamemory predictors of prospective and retrospective memory performance. Journal of General Psychology, Special Edition: Aging in the 21st Century, 126, 37-52.

Gould, O. N. (1999). Cognition and socio-affective factors in medication adherence. In D. C. Park, R. W. Morrell, & K. Shifren (Eds.), Processing of medical information in aging patients: Cognitive and human factors perspectives, (pp. 167-184). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Dixon, R. A. & Gould, O. N. (1998). Younger and older adults collaborating on retelling everyday stories. Applied Developmental Science, 2, 160-171.

Gould, O.N., McDonald-Miszczak, L., & King, B. (1997). Metacognition and medication adherence: How do older adults remember? Experimental Aging Research, 23, 315-342.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1997). Recall of medication instructions by young and old adult women: Is overaccommodative speech helpful? Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 16, 50-69.

Dixon, R. A., & Gould, O. N. (1996). Adults telling and retelling stories collaboratively. In P. B. Baltes & U. Staudinger, (Eds). Interactive Minds: Life-span perspectives on the Social foundation of cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Gould, O. N., Kurzman, D., & Dixon, R. A. (1994). Communication during prose recall conversations by young and old dyads. Discourse Processes, 17, 149-165.

Collins, C. L., & Gould, O. N. (1994). Getting to know you: How own age and other's age relate to self-disclosure. International Journal of Human Development and Aging, 39, 55-66.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1993). How we spent our vacation: Collaborative storytelling by young and old adults. Psychology and Aging, 8, 10-17.

Gould, O. N., Trevithick, L., & Dixon, R. A. (1991). Adult age differences in elaborations produced during prose recall. Psychology and Aging, 6, 93-99.

Presentations at Professional and Scientific Meetings:

Webster, H., Gould, O., Daniels, E., & Dupuis-Blanchard, S. (2016, June). Transportation for seniors in a rural community: Can the nursing home play a role?  Poster presented at the Our Future is Aging annual conference, Halifax, NS.

Mitchell, F., Gould, O., LeBlanc, M., Manuel, L. (2016, January). The opinions of hospital pharmacists in Canada regarding marihuana for medical purposes. Poster presented at the Professional Practice Conference of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Toronto, ON.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Theriault, D., & Gould, O. (2015, November). Access to services for aging in place in language minority seniors. Presentation as part of a symposium titled What matters to me: Conceptualizing aging in place through qualitative methodology at the Annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S. & Gould, O. (2015, October). Nursing home support for aging in place : Shaping the future for all. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Calgary, AB.

Gould, O.N., Hamilton, H., & Doucette, C. (2014, November). Medication adherence in university students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Moncton, NB.

Gould, O.N., & Sobhani, S. (2014, October). Nursing home staff and grief: Coping with the loss of residents. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Gould, O.N., Cormier, J., & Gautreau, S. (2014, October). Working together across the generations: Intergenerational advice-giving. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Assocation on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gould, O., Villalon, L., Gibbons, C., & Theriault, D. (2014, October). Aging in place as a french speaking older adults living in an official language minority community. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Gould, O.N., Hamilton, H., & Doucette, C. (2014, June). Medication adherence in university students. Poster submitted for presentation at the Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day (Moncton Hospital), Moncton, NB

Gould, O.N., & Sobhani, S. (2014, October). Nursing home staff and grief: Coping with the loss of residents. Presentation submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Gould, O.N., Cormier, J., & Gautreau, S. (2014, October). Working together across the generations: Intergenerational advice-giving. Poster submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Assocation on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gould, O., Villalon, L., Gibbons, C., & Theriault, D. (2014, October). Aging in place as a french speaking older adults living in an official language minority community. Presentation submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Niagara Falls, ON.

Simard, M, Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Villalon, L., Gould, O. Ethier, S. Leis, A, Piche, D. (2014, May). Milieu de vie et vieillissement de la population : convergences des savoirs et innovations en amenagement. Congres de l’Association francophone pour le savoir. Montreal, QC.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gibbons, C., Gould, O., Simard, M., Villalon, L., Éthier, S. & Leis, A. (2013, November). The Struggles and Sucessesses of Aging at Home : Psychosocial Care and Public Policy. Poster presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gibbons, C., Gould, O., Simard, M., Villalon, L., Éthier, S., & Leis, A. (2013, October.) Moderately Autonomous Older Adults Aging-in-Place : Results and Methodological Challenges. Poster presentation at the International Qualitative Health Research conference, Halifax, NS.

Gould, O.N., & Dupuis-Blanchard, S. (2013, October). Hoping for the best and planning for the future: How emotional regulation processes affect long-term planning. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS

Gould, O.N., French, I. & Gautreau, S. M. (2013, October). Perspective-taking and enjoyment of intergenerational conversations. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS.

Gould, O.N., Hamilton, H., Henderson, C., & Gautreau, S.M. (2013, October). Self-disclosures in inter-generational conversations. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Theriault, D., Gould, O., Villalon, L., & Gibbons, C. (2013, October). Aging at home: Understanding the specific needs of French speaking older adults. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gould, O., French, I. (2013, October). A Community Research Approach on Age-Friendly Communities. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gibbons, C., Gould, O. Ethier, S., Simard, M., Villalon, L., Leis, A. (2013, October) Understanding aging-in-place in seniors with loss of independence. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Gibbons, C., Simard, M., Ethier, S., Gould, O., & Villalon, C. (2013, November) The struggles and successes of aging at home : Psychosocial care and public policy. Paper presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention (Nursing), Indianapolis, IN.

Gould, O.N., MacNeil Gautreau, S. & Webster, J. D. (2012, November). Reminiscence in intergenerational conversations. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M., Gould, O.N., & Villalon, L. (2012, November). The challenges of aging-in-place in Atlantic Canada. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Doucette, D., Gould, O.N., & Buckley, P. (2012, August). What patients want: Preferences regarding hospital pharmacy services. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting and Summer Educational Sessions of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Charlottetown, PE.

Doucette, D. & Gould, O.N. (2012, June). What patients want: Preferences regarding hospital pharmacy services. Presentation at the Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day (Moncton Hospital), Moncton, NB.

Gould, O.N., & MacNeil Gautreau, S. (2012, May). Empathy and Conversational Enjoyment in Younger and Older Adults. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M., Villalon, L., & Gould, O. (2011) Aging in place in New Brunswick. Poster presentation at the New Brunswick Research Foundation meeting, Moncton, NB.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M., Gould, O., & Villalon, L. (2011, November). Aging in place in urban and rural communities. Presentation at the International Conference for Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing, Dallas, Texas.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., MacLennan, A. & O.Gould. (2011, November). Nursing students interest for a career in geriatrics. Poster presentation at the International Conference for Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society in Nursing, Dallas, Texas.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Simard, M, Gould, O., & Villalon, L. (2011, octobre). Aging in place : New directions for aging in place. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Ottawa, ON.

Dupuis-Blanchard, S., MacLennan, A. & Gould, O. (2011,June). Assessing interest for a career in aging in nursing students. Oral presentation at the Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association national conference, Mississauga, ON.

Gould, O.N., West, S., & Mancuso, M. (2011, March). Où trouver ses soins: La perception du rôle de télésoins, les cliniques après-heures et les services d’urgence chez les jeunes et moins jeunes. Presented at the Journée de recherche interdisciplinaires en santé, Université de Moncton.

Myers (Johnson), R., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (November, 2010). Obtaining the best Possible Medication History: Comparison of Pharmacy Technician versus Pharmacist-Obtained Medication Histories in the Emergency Department. Poster presented at the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation's 2nd Annual Health Research Conference, Saint John, NB.

Irvine-Meek, J., Gould, O.N. (November, 2010) Psychometric Evaluation of the Self-medication Assessment Tool (SMAT) in an Elderly Population. Poster presented at the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation's 2nd Annual Health Research Conference, Saint John, NB.

Gould, O.N., Joel, S. & Lazaro-Lopez, T. (November, 2010). Public perception of pharmacists’ prescribing. Poster presented at the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation's 2nd Annual Health Research Conference, Saint John, NB.

Myers (Johnson), R., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (June, 2010). Obtaining the best Possible Medication History: Comparison of Pharmacy Technician versus Pharmacist-Obtained Medication Histories in the Emergency Department. Poster presented at the Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day at Horizon Health Network, Moncton, NB. (Awarded the prize for the best poster at the conference).

Irvine-Meek, J. & Gould, O.N. (June, 2010). Development and testing of a comprehensive geriatric self-medication assessment tool. Presentation at the Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day at Horizon Health Network, Moncton, NB

Gould, O.N., Joel, S. & Lazaro-Lopez, T. (2010). Public perceptionof pharmacists’ prescribing. Presentation at The New Brunswick Pharmacy Conference, 2010. Saint John, NB.

Martin-Chang, S. & Gould, O. (May, 2010). Story time and reading time: Unique components of home literacy. In G. Ouellette (convener) Bridging Theory and Practice in Literacy Research. Symposium presented at Development 2010, Ottawa, ON.

Johnson, R., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (February, 2010). Obtaining the best Possible Medication History: Comparison of Pharmacy Technician versus Pharmacist-Obtained Medication Histories in the Emergency Department. Presented at the 41st Professional Practice Conference of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Toronto, ON.

Myers (Johnson), R., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (March 9, 2010). Obtaining the best Possible Medication History: Comparison of Pharmacy Technician versus Pharmacist-Obtained Medication Histories in the Emergency Department. National Teleconference presentation for the Institute for Safe Medication Practices.

Sommers, R., Howard, J. A., Gould, O.N., & Mancuso, M. (October, 2009). Primary care physicians and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus: Evaluating an A1C tracking tool. Poster presented at the official launch of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Fredericton, NB.

MacAulay, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2009, October). Evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the homecare setting: A pharmacy pilot project. Poster presented at the official launch of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Fredericton, NB.

Martin-Chang, S., Fraser, J., Chapman, J., & Gould, O. (2009, June). Mother-child dialog during storybook reading: Increasing child engagement. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Boston, MA

Gould, O.N., Chapman, J.D., & Landry, S. M. (2009, June). This is baloney: Assessment of health-related advertisements by younger and older adults. Poster presented at the Canadian psychological Association meeting, Montreal, QC

Gould, O.N., Joel, S., & Lazaro-Lopez, T. (2009, June). The public’s reaction to pharmacists prescribing medication in New Brunswick. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association meeting, Montreal, QC

Irvine-Meek, J. & Gould, O.N. (2009, February). Development and testing of a comprehensive geriatric self-medication assessment tool. Invited presentation at in the Clinical Pearls session of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting, Toronto, ON

Gould, O., Todd, L., & Irvine-Meek, J. (2008, May). Adherence devices in a community sample: How are pillboxes used? Poster presented at the SERHA Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day, Moncton, NB.

Gould, O., West, S., Mancuso, M., & Savoie, L. (2008, May). Using clinics, emergency rooms and telecare. Poster presented at the SERHA Dr. Donald MacLellan Research day, Moncton, NB.

Gould, O., West, S., Mancuso, M., & Savoie, L. (2008, May). Seniors’ satisfaction with health-care services at SERHA. Poster presented at the SERHA Dr. Donald MacLellan Research day, Moncton, NB.

Sommers, R., Howard, J. A., Gould, O.N., & Mancuso, M. (2008). Primary care physicians and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus: Evaluating an A1C tracking tool. Poster presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, November, 2008.

Gould, O.N., Todd, L., & Irvine-Meek, J. (2008, May). Adherence devices in a community sample: how are pillboxes used? Canadian Pharmacists Association Annual National Conference. Victoria, BC

Gould, O.N., & Todd, L. (2007, November). Predicting errors in pillbox use. Presentation presented as part of a symposium titled Everyday cognition: Cognitive and social cognitive variables associated with older adults= medication adherence, organized by L. Macdonald-Miszczak, at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

MacAulay, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2007, May). Evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the homecare setting: A pharmacy pilot project. Poster presented at the Canadian Therapeutics Congress, Halifax, NS.

Gould, O. N., Todd, L. (2007, May). Adherence devices in a community sample: How are pillboxes used? Poster presented at the Presidential Poster session of the American Geriatrics Society Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Irvine-Meek, J., Gould, O., Todd, L. & Wheaton, H. (2007, January) Acceptability and face validity of a geriatric self-medication assessment tool. Poster presented at the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Professional Practice Conference, Toronto, ON.

MacAulay, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2006, December). Evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the homecare setting: A pharmacy pilot project. Poster presented at the Annual Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Toronto, ON.

Gould, O.N., McGrath, D., & Whittleton, M. (2006, November). Story recall in nominal and collaborative dyads: Do partners really help? Presented as part of a symposium on collaborative cognition organized by J. Strough & C. Berg at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.

MacAulay, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2006, August). Evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the homecare setting: A pharmacy pilot project. Poster presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Montreal, QC.

MacAulay, S., Saulnier, L., & Gould, O. (2006, May). Evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the homecare setting: A pharmacy pilot project with extramural services. SERHA Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day, Moncton, NB.

Gould, O.N. & Whittleton, M. (2005, October). Medication adherence in students and seniors.Poster presented at the Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research Forum. Liverpool, NS.

Gould, O.N., Burke, C., & Orr, E. (2005, November). Differential Abilities and Collaborative Cognition: Who affects performance? Poster presented a the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL

Whittleton, M. E. & Gould, O.N. (2005, June). Are two old heads better than two young ones? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association meeting, Montral, QC.

Johnstone, D., Wasylkiw, L., & Gould, O.N. (2005, June). Predicting help seeking: Nurse practitioners and the theory of planned behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association meeting, Montreal, QC

Gould, O.N. (2005, May). Psychosocial factors in medication adherence in the elderly. Invited address at the annual meeting of the Canadian Hospital Pharmacists - NB Branch meeting, St Andrews, NB

Webster, J.D., & Gould, O. N. (2004, October). Memory, narrative, and emotions across adulthood. Paper presented at the annual scientific and educational meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Victoria, BC.

Gould, O.N., Wasylkiw, L., MacPherson, M., & Rogers, E.E. (2004, September). Age differences in Satisfaction with Medication Instructions. Poster presentated at the 3rd annual Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day, Moncton Hospital, Moncton, NB.

Irvine-Meek, J., Gould, O.N., & Prince, R. (2004, September). Audit of clinical and psychosocial patient outcomes related to implementation of a medication self- management tool in a hospitalized geriatric population. Presentated at the 3rd annual Dr. Donald MacLellan Research Day, Moncton Hospital, Moncton, NB.

Gould, O.N., Wasylkiw, L., Rogers, E. E., & MacPherson, M. (2004, November). Age differences in satisfaction with medical advice provided by pharmacists and physicians. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Whittleton, M., Allard, E., & Gould, O.N. (2004, June). Collaborative memory for word recall in younger and older adult women. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, St Johns, NF.

Webster, J. D., & Gould, O. N. (2003, November). Reminiscence and autobiographical memory: conceptual and empirical linkages. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Gould, O.N., & Macpherson, M. (2003, October). How I see you: Pharmacists and older patients. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Toronto, ON.

Gould, O.N. & Rogers, E. (2003, October). Perceptions of Healthcare professions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Toronto, ON

Gould, O. N., & Goreham, K. (2003, October). Reminiscence and problem-solving in university students. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the International Reminiscence and Life Review Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Gould, O.N., Fukuda, E., MacPherson, M, & Allard, E. (2002, August). Affect and recall relationships in three age groups. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Ottawa, ON.

Gould, O.N. (2001, July). Metacognition and medical discourse: What do we know about what the patient knows? Invited presentation to the 5th International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Vancouver, B.C.

Gould, O.N., McDonald-Miszczak, L., & Tychynski, D. (2000, November). Older adults= perceived medication adherence: The role of task importance and strategy use. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.

Gould, O.N., Osborn, C., & Krein, H. (2000, November). Collaborative recall in acquainted and unacquainted dyads. In J. Strough (Convener), Collaborative Cognition. Symposium presented at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.

Gould, O.N., Osborn, C., & Mortenson, M. (1999, November). Cognitive collaboration in acquainted and unacquainted dyads. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA

Gould, O. N., McDonald-Miszczak, L., & Gregory, J. (1999, November). Predicting recall of medication instructions. In O. Gould (Convener), Beliefs and attitudes about forgetting. Symposium presented at the 52nds Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia.

Gould, O.N., Saum, C., & Belter, J. (1998, November). Gender differences in reactions to patronizing speech. In T. Hamaguchi & P. A. Saunders (Conveners), Communication in a changing society: Transdisciplinary studies of language and aging. Symposium conducted at the 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA.

Tychyinski, D., McDonald-Miszczak, L., & Gould, O. N. (1998, August) Medications, memory beliefs, and useful strategies: Older adults report on the importance of adherence. Poster presented at the 24th International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Gould, O.N., Roerick, L.A., & Saum, C. (1996, November). Speech accommodation by older adults. In P. A. Saunders & M. Sokolovsky (Chairs), Talking with the elderly: A comparison of interaction across settings. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

McDonald-Miszczak, L. & Gould, O. N. (1996, August). Metacognition and medication compliance: How do older adults remember? In C. Hertzog & U. Lindenberger (Conveners), Cognitive development across the life span. Poster workshop presented at the XIV Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Québec City, Canada.

Gould, O. N. & McDonald-Miszczak, L. (1996-May). Perceptions of ageism in health care workers. Poster presented at The Third International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health Conference, hosted by the University of Kansas.

Gould, O. N., & Malpert, J. (1995, November). Advice-giving by young and old adult women. In E. B. Ryan (Chair), Intergenerational communication. Symposium presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA.

Gould, O. N., & McDonald-Miszczak, L. (1995, July). Medication regimens as a prospective memory task: How do younger and older adults remember? Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.(O.Gould, Moderator).

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1994, November). Does working memory performance predict subjective reactions to speaking styles? Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 47th Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1994, May). Recall of medication instructions by young and old adult women: Is overaccommodative speech helpful? Poster presented at the International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Gould, O. N., Friesen, I. C., & Dixon, R. A. (1993, May). Working memory performance and medication in a community sample. Poster presented at The Canadian Psychological Association Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Collins, C. L., & Gould, O. N. (1992, November). Getting to know you: How own age and other's age influence self-disclosures. In E. B. Ryan (Chair), Intergenerational communication. Symposium conducted at the Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.

Gould, O. N., Kurzman, D., & Dixon, R. A. (1991, August). Collaborative processes during recall by acquainted and unacquainted adults. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Gould, O. N., Kurzman, D., & Dixon, R. A. (1991, June). Communication During Prose Recall Conversations by Young and Old Dyads. In T. Y. Arbuckle (Chair), Communication and processing of language materials by older adults. Symposium conducted at the Canadian Psychological Association Meeting, Calgary, Alberta.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1990, October). Differences in conversational styles in young and old married couples. In E. B. Ryan (Chair), Cognitive, clinical, and social aspects of language in late life. Symposium conducted at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Meeting, Victoria, B.C.

Dixon, R. A., Gould, O. N., & Trevithick, L. (1990, August). Collaborative recall of texts by young and old married couples. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1990, June). Describing a vacation: Joint storytelling by young and old married couples. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Meeting, Ottawa, Ont.

Dixon, R. A., Gould, O. N., Sakiyama, D., & Trevithick, L. (1990, March). Collaboration on text recall in young and old adults. Paper presented at the Third Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Gould, O. N., & Dixon, R. A. (1989, October). Memory for figurative texts in adulthood. Poster presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Meeting, Halifax, N.S.

LeBlanc, R. S., Muise, J. G., Gould, O., & Léger, P.-D. (1989, October). Aging and the perception of traffic signs. Poster presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Meeting, Halifax, N.S.

Dixon, R. A., Fox, D. P., & Gould, O. N. (1988, April). Some cognitive characteristics of young and old adult diarists and nondiarists. Poster presented at the Second Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Dixon, R. A., Gould, O. N., Fox, D. P., & Franchi, S. C. (1987, October). Cognitive characteristics of young and old diarists. Poster presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Meeting, Calgary.


1986 B.A. Psychology (Honours):  Université de Moncton 

1989 M.A. Psychology:  University of Victoria

Life-span Development and Aging Program   

1994 Ph.D. Psychology:  University of Victoria

Life-span Development and Aging Program


Psy 2011: Research Design & Analysis II 

Psy 3421: Adult Development and Aging 

Psy 3901: History of Psychology 

Psy 4411: Advanced Seminar in Adult Development and Aging


Medication adherence in late adulthood

Intergenerational discourse

Perceived Roles of Allied Health care professionals

Patient-Physician Discourse

Older adults’memory for textual and verbal information

Collaboration on Cognitive Tasks

Aging in place

Grants, awards & honours

Research Funding


Canadian Frailty Network (CFN)

Social frailty in recently relocated semi-independent older adults

PI: S. Dupuis-Blanchard (UdeM); Co-investigators: F. Légaré (Laval), M. Andrews (Dalhousie), C. Bigonnesse (UdeM), C. Jose (U. Sherbrooke), O.Gould (MTA); Collaborators: C. Cormier (Faubourg du Mascaret), J. Hall (NBANH), T. MacDonald, Maritime SPOR, J. Theriault, AFANB; Knowledge usesr: P. Mockler-Caissie, GNB.

Government of New Brunswick, Department of Social Development and Family Services

Dental Care in New Brunswick Nursing Homes

PI: Odette Gould
Co-Investigators: Christine Wooley, Mary Pelletier, Nancy Burridge, Sophie Roberge    

President’s Research Award: Dental care in New Brunswick Nursing Homes

PI: Odette Gould

Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) (Funded 25,000$)

Identification des besoins des services de maintien à domicile des personnes âgées francophones en milieu linguistique minoritaire au Nouveau-Brunswick

Co-PI: S. Dupuis-Blanchard (U.de Moncton), O.Gould (MTA), L.Villalon (U. de Moncton), C. Gibbons (U. de Moncton).


President’s Research and Creative Activity Award (3,500$)

Experiences of professional caregivers in nursing homes in relation to the death of their patients.

PI: O.Gould


City of Moncton (in kind support)

Age-friendly Communities – A needs assessment for Moncton NB.

Co-PI: S. Dupuis-Blanchard (U. de Moncton).


CIHR Catalyst Grant: Accessibility to Health Services in Official Language Minority Communities ($93,057 – 1 year). (Application # 261284)

L’influence du context sociolinguistique majoritaire/minoritaire sur le maintien à domicile des aînés en perte d’autonomie.

Principal investigator: S. Dupuis-Blanchard (U.de Moncton).

Collaborators: O.N. Gould (MTA), A. Leis (U.Saskatchewan), M. Simard (UdeMoncton), L. Vilalon (UdeMoncton) & S.Ethier (St Boniface).


SSHRC Insight development grants ($27,677) (#430-2011-0066)

Mind the (Generation) gap: Enjoyment of Intergenerational Conversations

Principal investigator: O.Gould

Collaborator: J. Webster (Langara College)


FESR – Programme special (5475$)

Attitude des etudiant/es envers une carriere dans le domaine du veillissement

Co-Pis : S. Dupuis-Blanchard, O.Gould, A. Rheaume.


Secretariat des aines en sante et affaires gouvernementales/Association des aine/es francophones du NB (30,000$).

Les defis et les enjeux lies au maintien a domicile des aines en situation minoritaire francophone : une etude de cas en milieu urain neo-brunswickois

PI : S. Dupuis-Blanchard, Co-I : M. Simard, L. Villalon, O.Gould


NB Pharmacist Society ($1700)

Role of Prescribing Pharmacists in New Brunswick. PI:Gould


Dalhousie Pharmacy Endowment Fund ($14,000)

Development and Testing of a Comprehensive Geriatric Self-medication Assessment Tool.

Principal investigators: J. Irvine-Meek

Co-investigator: O. Gould


Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists ($12,000)

Development and Testing of a Comprehensive Geriatric Self medication Assessment Tool.

Principal investigator: J. Irvine-Meek

Co-investigator: O.N. Gould


McCain Fellowship Award for Support of Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral fellow: S. Martin-Chang

Supervisor: O.N. Gould


Medbuy Corp Endowment Fund ($10,000)

Development and testing of a comprehensive geriatric self-medication assessment tool.

Principal investigator: J. Irvine-Meek

Co-investigator: O.N. Gould


The Friends of the Moncton Hospital Foundation, Community Health Research and Education Endowment Fund ($5000)

Development and testing of a comprehensive geriatric self-medication assessment tool.

Principal Investigaro: J. Irvine-Meek

Co-investigator: O.N. Gould


NBIF Research Assistantships Initiative ($5000)

Medication Adherence in New Brunswick Seniors

Principal investigaro: Gould


Medbuy Endowment Fund ($5449)

Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacy Services in the Home Care Setting: A Pilot Study.

Principal Investigator: S. MacAuley,

Co-investigators: L. Saulnier, & O.N. Gould


New Brunswick Innovation Fund ($20,000)

Medication Adherence.

Co-principal investigators: O.N. Gould & L. Wasylkiw)


Leadership Ï㽶ÊÓƵ ($2600)

Becoming part of the research community: The art of attending conferences

(Co-investigators: O.N. Gould, K. Nicholson, & L. Wasylkiw).


Leadership Ï㽶ÊÓƵ ($700)

Curricular grant for FLIPS, PI: Gould


NSERC Research Grant (2002-2006) ($85000)

Collaborative recall in younger and older adult dyads

PI: Gould


NSERC Equipment Grant ($8500)

Collaborative Cognition Observation laboratory

PI: Gould


Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Research Award ($5850)

Reminiscence and problem-solving in younger and older adults

PI: Gould


Ï㽶ÊÓƵ CIHR Development grant ($7500)

Perceived competence levels of allied health-care professionals

PI: Gould


Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Research Award ($3715)

Memory strategies for medication adherence over time.

PI: Gould


NIH IDeA Seed Grants (Institutional) ($5000)

Memory Strategies and Medication Adherence in Late Life

PI: Gould


National Institute on Aging/ National Institutes of Health

Health-care Discourse with Younger and Older Patients ($50,000 - declined)

PI: Gould (The funding was declined because it could not be transferred to a Canadian institution.)


NDSU Instructional Development Grant ($1475)

Re-design of Upper-level Psychology of Aging Course

PI: Gould


NDSU Collaborative Venture Award ($1000)

Narratives in Intergenerational Conversations

Co-PI: ON. Gould & K. Slobin)


NIH IDeA seed grant (Institutional, Funded) ($3000)

Collaborative Recall in Young an Old Adult Dyads

PI: Gould


North Dakota State University Grant-in-aid ($2000)

Prospective Memory Strategies and Medication Compliance (PI: Gould)

PI: Gould&

Professional Affiliations

Adjunct Positions  

  • Member of Public Health Agency of Canada Ministerial Advisory Board on Dementia.
  • Adjunct Research Scientist : Horizon Health Network
  • Adjunct Professor (Professeure Associée) : Centre d’étude du vieillissement, Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires, Université de Moncton
  • Honorary Research Associate: School of Graduate Studies – University of New Brunswick
  • Member of the Horizon Health Network Collaborative Care - Seniors Health Research Task Force
  • Affiliate Scientist:  Maritime SPOR Support Unit

2013 to present

Honorary Research Associate

School of Graduate Studies – University of New Brunswick

2012 to present

Research Associate

Centre d’études du vieillissement, Université de Moncton

2006 to present

Research Associate

Horizon Health Network – Moncton Hospital&

2012 to present

Promoted to Full Professor

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ University

2000 to 2012

Associate Professor

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ University, Sackville, Canada


Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor

North Dakota State University

Professional Awards


Paul Paré Award of Excellence


National Award: Teaching, Learning & Education, Can Soc Hospital Pharmacists


Research grant selected as one of 5 highlighted in CSHP e-bulletin


Paul Paré Award of Excellence


Paul Paré Award of Excellence


Paul Paré Award of Excellence