National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — Sept. 30

A National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was officially recognized for the first time in 2021 on Sept. 30. This day, Orange Shirt Day, seeks to honour the survivors and children who did not make it home from Canada’s Residential School System and increase awareness around this shameful part of our country’s history, as we continue on the path towards reconciliation.
Ï㽶ÊÓƵ University takes the commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and the Calls to Action seriously. Every year, the University embarks on a week of reflection around Truth and Reconciliation leading up to Sept. 30.
The Indigenous Affairs Office and the Indigenous Advisory Circle, along with the Indigenous Student Support Group, organize a number of initiatives, activities, and learning opportunities, in partnership with local Indigenous communities and Elders.

Monday, Sept. 25 – Friday, Sept. 29

Webinar screenings courtesy of National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation will run daily 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Topics include:

  • Day 1, Sept. 25 | WMSC 288: Indigenous peoples and the History of Residential Schools
  • Day 2, Sept. 26 | WMSC 288: Unconscious bias and debunking stereotypes
  • Day 3, Sept. 27 | WMSC 288: Intergenerational impacts and ongoing systemic discrimination
  • Day 4, Sept. 28 | WMSC 125: Indigenous peoples’ rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Day 5, Sept. 29 | WMSC 125: Taking action toward Reconciliation

Or join in person for a screening and conversation, register by emailing hr@mta.ca

Wednesday, Sept. 27 

  • Screening of Bones of Crows
    Crabtree Auditorium | 6–8 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 28  

  • Special lunch menu at Jennings Dining Hall
    11:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
    Featuring bison burgers, butternut squash and apple soup, and sunflower cookies.
  • CCDI webinar viewing and conversation, Moving from reconciliation to reconciliACTION: Engaging and supporting Indigenous communities
    Dunn 101 | 2 p.m. 
    Register by emailing hr@mta.ca.
  • Talk by Elder in Residence, William Nevin
    Crabtree Auditorium | 6 p.m. 

Friday, Sept. 29

  • Screening of Bones of Crows (2nd viewing)
    Crabtree Auditorium | 1–3 p.m.
  • Sweat Lodge Ceremony
    Indigenous Ceremonial Space, 76 York St. (behind Colville House) | 1–3 p.m.
    Register by Monday, Sept. 25 by emailing Kaia Knockwood at kjknockwood@mta.ca

Saturday, Sept. 30

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day*
    The day commemorates the Indigenous children who never returned home, as well as the survivors of residential schools, their families, and communities.

    *Orange shirts and hats are sold at the Bookstore
  • Concert: Ensemble Constantinople
    Brunton Auditorium | 7:30 p.m.
    Ensemble Constantinople (Kiya Tabassian, director) presents a program of early Indigenous musics appropriate to reflection on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. "Breathings" is a celebration of our intimate relationship with nature, a concert that places the breath at the centre of the musical act. Performers include Darlene Gijuminag (Mi’kmaq singer and drummer), Celina Kalluk (throat singer), Kiya Tabassian (director; setar), Kianoush Khalilian (ney), Patrick Graham (percussion), Didem Basar (kanun), Etienne Lafrance (double bass). For details and tickets, visit  or call (506) 878-3786.

Questions? Email indigenous@mta.ca.

Learning Resources

Visit , which contains educational resources and related information.

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ hosted Powwow at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre in 2019

Indigenous Ceremonial Space

Various events and activities, including Sweat Lodge ceremonies, are held on sacred space on campus during the academic year and during special events. Located behind Colville House, the space includes a Sacred Sweat Lodge, tipi, and the Three Sisters Garden.

These spaces also serve as teaching and gathering spaces.

Other events recognized on campus annually include:

  • Treaty Day
  • National Orange Shirt Day
  • Sisters in Spirit Vigil for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
  • National Indigenous Peoples Day

For the most up-to-date events and dates, visit our Calendar of events.

Sisters in Spirit Vigil for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls

Questions? Email indigenous@mta.ca