The safety, security, and well-being of those who have experienced sexual violence are fundamental considerations.

At Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, we are committed to building a safe and inclusive campus community where survivors of sexual violence know they can receive the supports they need.

IMPORTANT: If this is an emergency and/or you have current concerns about your safety or the safety of others, call 911 and notify Campus Security at (506) 364-2228.

Support after experiencing sexual violence

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, recently or in the past, Ï㽶ÊÓƵ offers free and confidential services — regardless of whether you choose to make a formal report or not.

Reporting sexual violence

If you choose to disclose and/or file a complaint of sexual violence, you will have access to a range of options and can choose to engage in any, all, or none of them. Guidance and support is available every step of the way.

If you need immediate attention or support

While you can access support, resources, and accommodations through the University, those who have experienced, witnessed, or been impacted by sexual violence and need immediate attention or support should:

Consider whether you need or want medical attention
  • If you are safe and do not need or want medical attention, call or for support (if you are not in New Brunswick, you can seek support through any local Sexual Violence Support Centre).
  • If you are safe but need medical attention, go to your nearest emergency room.
  • If you are in immediate danger or are seriously injured, call 911.
Consider whether you need or want to report to the police

You do not need to report to the police immediately (or ever).

  • If you would like to report to the police immediately, you can call 911.
  • If you would like to report to the police but do not want to call 911, you can report to a local police station.
  • If you would like to report to the police but need advice/support, call , , or your local Sexual Violence Support Centre.

What is sexualized violence?

Sexual violence describes a broad range of behaviours and acts. Sexual violence means any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression that is committed, threated, or attempted against a person without their consent. It includes:

Sexual assault
  • Touching/groping someone without consent
  • Coercing or physically forcing someone to engage in a sexual act
  • Incapacitating someone with drugs and/or alcohol 
  • Unwelcome comments or gestures
  • Unwelcome texts/DMs
  • Unwelcome touching or groping
  • Inappropriate promises of rewards for sexual favours
  • Unwanted, repeated surveillance by an individual or group
  • Harassment, intimidation, threats
  • Following someone
  • Monitoring someone’s actions, behaviour, social media
  • Electronic bullying or harassment
  • Posting rumours, threats, sexual remarks
  • Sharing someone’s personal information without their consent
  • Hate speech
Sharing intimate images without consent

Sharing an image of someone without their consent, especially if they are nude or shared the image with the expectation of privacy

Indecent acts/exposure
  • Doing something in a public place like masturbating or having sex without the consent of those around you.
  • Sending intimate images without permission

Sexualized Violence Policy

The University’s Sexualized Violence Policy received official approval from Ï㽶ÊÓƵ’s Board of Regents on Feb. 3, 2023.

Learn more about the University's sexual violence prevention action plans.

Questions? Contact Ï㽶ÊÓƵ's Sexualized Violence Response Consultant, Jade Lister, at jlister@mta.ca or .